Kemba Johnson |
Local opponents to a proposed waste-transfer station in Brooklyn were pleased to see that the state wants the builder to prepare an Environmental Inpact Statement for the facility.
Local opponents to a proposed waste-transfer station in Brooklyn were pleased to see that the state wants the builder to prepare an Environmental Inpact Statement for the facility.
Looking to make more money, the owners a parcel of land on the East River are willing to scuttle plans for an urban park on the site.
A coalition of outer-boro neighborhood groups is hoping to block the merger of two giant national waste-hauling companies, saying the move would overwhelm the city.
In the latest issue of City Limits: The mayor’s promise to close Staten Island’s Fresh Kills megadump means lots of garbage for outer boro waterfront communities.
The city’s environmental agency does an awful job of protecting the city’s water, according to a new report by Robert Kennedy’s Jr.’s Riverkeeper organization.
New costs for city water and sewer services might end up on the rent checks for low-income tenants.
The city’s sanitation commissioner wasn’t in attendance at a City Countil hearing on plans to replace the Fresh Kills dump.