Michael Bloomberg
Alyssa Katz |
Unbeholden to any landlord campaign contributions, Republican mayoral candidate Michael Bloomberg floats a ambitious housing agenda.
Unbeholden to any landlord campaign contributions, Republican mayoral candidate Michael Bloomberg floats a ambitious housing agenda.
The nonprofit Fifth Avenue Committee reigns in plans for affordable housing in Red Hook after some community leaders ask for a more mixed bag.
In a newly digitized building in the South Bronx, woodworkers and furniture makers worry they’ll be replaced by dot-coms.
One of the biggest and best buildings on the Williamsburg waterfront will soon be converted from manufacturing space into 184 Soho-priced studio apartments–even though local residents have pushed to keep factories in the neighborhood.
By requiring environmental review of a scheme to dump thousands of tons of chemicals in a upstate reservoir, the state may have scuttled the city’s drining water plan.
A chance discovery of illegal dumping at an abandoned Brooklyn pier has stalled a proposed movie theater development–and possibly opened the door for a park instead.
According to city officials, controlling truck traffic in some Bronx neighborhoods takes a miracle.
The city has said that it isn’t interested in rebuilding current garbage processing facilities, but Staten Island politicians are willing to look at any plan that closes the Fresh Kills megadump.
The January issue of City Limits, now on newsstands, is devoted to a portrait of Sunset Park, the most interesting neighborhood you’ve never heard of.
An analysis of the city’s biggest private expenses is topped with multi-million dollar contracts for garbage and foster care.