John Liu
Emma Holmgren |
Two groups of disenfranchised potential voters–non-citizens and former felons–are pushing the city to give them the right to vote in municipal elections.
Two groups of disenfranchised potential voters–non-citizens and former felons–are pushing the city to give them the right to vote in municipal elections.
Community newspaper and freelance reporters from around the city offer the inside scoop on the Sept. 14 primary.
While Mayor Bloomberg touts the importance of business improvement districts for keeping shopping areas clean, the city’s recent property tax hike has turned a group of businesses in Flushing against a proposed district in their community–another tax, they say, could kill their already suffering profits.
The Working Families Party was determined to make its mark in this year’s primary election. But on an election day delayed two weeks by the World Trade Center disaster, it ended up with both well-earned victories and some stinging losses, with contenders relying heavily on labor support having the hardest time.
Manhattan’s Chinatown is home to two well-known contenders to be the City Council’s first Asian-American rep. But the smart money is betting on Flushing’s John Liu to actually get the seat.
The city’s child welfare agency is about to go local, but will neighborhood offices get a visit from the welcome wagon?
A rundown of some political horse races in next week’s Democratic primary.