Uptown Houses of Worship Join Movement to Shield Immigrants from ICE
Olivia Heffernan |
‘We are creating our own underground railroad of sanctuary spaces for undocumented immigrants targeted by ICE.’
‘We are creating our own underground railroad of sanctuary spaces for undocumented immigrants targeted by ICE.’
‘Bipartisan, federal legislation introduced by Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), the Visa Transparency Anti-Trafficking Act of 2019, would create a standardized, public reporting system that would help human rights organizations to monitor labor conditions and patterns of employer activity.’
The national uproar to the recent ICE raids in Mississippi cast a bright light on an issue that stretches well beyond immigration: the practice of arresting parents without adequate regard for the well-being of their children.
‘It’s absolutely vital that immigrant parents consider making a plan now for the future care and custody of their children should something happen.’
By the year 2020, immigrants will form the majority of the elderly population in New York City, with Dominicans, Mexicans and Chinese as the fastest-growing groups.
Para el año 2020, los inmigrantes serán la mayoría de la población envejeciente de esta ciudad.
Posters and information from legal advocates ahead of an anticipated wave of immigration enforcement actions.
Among those who did come to the Brooklyn neighborhood from overseas, there are feelings of deep vulnerability.
New York Civil Liberties Union executive director Donna Lieberman joined WBAI’s Max & Murphy Show on Wednesday for a special Independence Day Eve discussion of where civil liberties stand in New York City.
‘For years I’ve read about the issues with ELLs. What’s wrong with them? Why don’t they graduate in four years like everyone else?’