NY Heat Act rally

Why Environmental Groups are Backing the NY Heat Act

The bill includes a provision that has the power to curb the expansion of gas infrastructure in New York. “Why put new gas pipes in the ground for new construction, when we’ve already passed laws saying we should be moving away from using gas?” the bill’s sponsor Senator Liz Krueger told City Limits. 

Ciria Santiago in her home

New York Lawmakers Consider Tax Reforms to Aid ITIN-Filers

Both the Senate and the Assembly have included tax-related reforms in their “one-house” budget proposals that would impact those with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs), often used by immigrant workers. Advocates say extending credits to this population would help reduce child poverty.

subway fares

More New Yorkers Are Struggling to Afford Public Transit: Report

Transportation and anti-poverty advocates are pushing the Adams administration to provide an extra $55 million in the next budget to expand the Fair Fares program—through which low-income New Yorkers can qualify for half-priced MetroCards—to include people earning up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $60,000 for a four-person household.