Your search for hunger returned 274 results

Advocates Want Menu of City Policies to Address Hunger

They hope Mayor de Blasio will expand universal school meals and create a food policy council. But they also want action on wage rates, wage theft and jobs programs to reduce the economic need that harbors hunger.

December 30, 2014

Concerned About Hunger? Don't Just Donate. Lobby!

It’s that time of year again: The period when many of us make donations to help the hungry. This year, with food programs slashed and more reductions on the way, New Yorkers need to get more active in the fight against hunger.

November 26, 2013

Yes We Can End Hunger

In his new book, activist Joel Berg says everyone can have enough to eat.

December 8, 2008


Food stamp use on the rise among working poor.

May 2, 2005

Mayor presupuesto para programas para personas mayores, pero no lo suficiente para mantener el ritmo de envejecimiento de la población, según proveedores

Para el 2040, los investigadores estiman que el número de residentes de la ciudad mayores de 65 años aumentará en un 40 por ciento. “Deberíamos duplicar, triplicar y cuadruplicar las inversiones en servicios para personas mayores para hacer frente a ese aumento de la población”, afirmó la concejal Crystal Hudson, que preside el comité sobre envejecimiento.

July 19, 2024

Older Adult Programs See Budget Boost—But Not Enough to Keep Up With Aging Population, Providers Say

By 2040, researchers estimate the number of city residents aged 65 and older will increase by 40 percent. “We should be doubling, tripping, quadrupling on investments for older adult services to meet and match that population increase,” said Councilmember Crystal Hudson, who chairs the Committee on Aging.

July 18, 2024

Migrantes detenidos por ICE en Nueva York inician breve huelga de hambre por suspensión de llamadas telefónicas gratuitas y condiciones en detención

El programa de “minutos gratis” se remonta a principios de la pandemia del COVID-19, cuando los centros de detención de todo el país cerraron sus puertas a las visitas. “Las llamadas telefónicas son un instrumento vital para las personas detenidas”, afirma Rosa Santana, de Envision Freedom Fund.

June 21, 2024

NYC Housing Calendar, May 28-June 3

City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.

May 28, 2024

City Speeds Up Benefits Processing, But Cash Aid Denials Remain High

New data suggests that the Department of Social Services is bouncing back from historically low processing rates for public benefits, though cash aid applications are being denied more frequently than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic.

March 11, 2024

City Hall Announces Near-Elimination of Benefits Case Backlog As Challenges Persist

While advocates who specialize in public benefits have called for these backlogs to be cut, they say New Yorkers who rely on cash and food support are not yet out of the woods. 

March 4, 2024