Residents Living Near Queens Waste Facilities Hope Legal Settlement Finally Clears the Air 

For two decades, residents in Jamaica’s Bricktown say they’ve had to contend with the stench and debris from unenclosed waste transfer facilities nearby. A settlement reached with the facilities’ operators last month could change that for the community, one of the three city neighborhoods most burdened by waste infrastructure.

¿Cómo se organizó la primera asociación de vendedores ambulantes en la plaza Corona?

En 2021 el Concejo de la Ciudad aprobó una ley que debía ampliar el número de permisos a vendedores, pero un retraso de más de seis meses del Departamento de Salud e Higiene Mental no ha permitido que se asignen estos permisos prometidos. Poco después del retraso administrativo, un grupo de vendedores ambulantes formó la primera Asociación de Vendedores Ambulantes en la plaza Corona, en Queens, Nueva York.

City’s Street Vendors Saw Twice as Many Tickets This Year Compared to Pre-Pandemic, With NYPD Leading Enforcement

In 2019, when the police were the sole enforcer, the NYPD issued 1,812 tickets versus 2,499 in the first nine months of this year, with almost half (48.6 percent) doled out in the last quarter. In just nine months, the NYPD and the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) have issued 3,884 tickets to vendors, more than double the number of tickets made in 2019.