Bronx News Roundup, March 16

Rain today in the Bronx will supposedly give way to sunshine tomorrow. To the news!Story of the Day: Bronx Bus Crash Story ContinuesFederal investigators met yesterday with Ophadell Williams, the driver of a tour bus that crashed on I-95 in the Bronx on Saturday morning, killing 15 passengers and severely injuring six others. Legal experts say Williams, an ex-con who served time for manslaughter, is unlikely to be charged with a crime unless he was under the influence of alcohol or drugs or if he demonstrated a pattern of reckless driving before the crash. The NY Times staked out the crash site, near the on-ramp to the Hutchinson River Parkway, to find tour buses passing by ever so cautiously. On Monday night, another Chinatown tour bus bound for Philadelphia crashed on the Jersey Turnpike, killing two.

Sunshine Week at BxNN: Harris Field's History of Contamination

This is a tale of the very type of government secrecy that we would like to see less of and that we are advocating for during Sunshine Week. In late fall of 2009, the Norwood News sent an inquisitive young intern named Megan Taylor to Harris Field in Bedford Park to see how the massive reconstruction of soccer and baseball fields was coming along. She came back with a scoop. Workers there told her construction had halted following the discovery of some kind of contamination.We immediately pressed the Parks Department for more details. What kind of contamination is it?