Eric Adams’ State of the City: What’s in it for Housing?

In his annual address Wednesday, his third since taking office in 2022, Mayor Eric Adams touched on plans for a “Tenant Protection Cabinet,” developing affordable housing on two dozen city-owned sites, and issuing new NYCHA Section 8 vouchers. But several advocates said the speech fell short in addressing the city’s homelessness crisis.

‘Me siento derrotada’: Expiran los plazos para acoger a familias inmigrantes y el sistema se resquebraja

Mientras que la administración de Eric Adams ha estado emitiendo plazos en refugios para inmigrantes adultos durante meses, y para algunas familias con niños en hoteles como parte de una iniciativa separada, los desalojos del martes fueron los primeros en aplicarse a familias con niños siguiendo la política de la alcaldía.

‘I Feel Defeated’: Shelter Deadlines for Immigrant Families Expire, as System Frays

While the Adams administration has been issuing shelter deadlines to adult immigrants for months, and to some families with kids in hotels as part of a separate initiative, Tuesday’s evictions were the first to apply to families with children under City Hall’s broader policy, which officials say is an effort to manage more than 168,500 new arrivals since 2022—69,000 of whom remain in the city’s care.