Your search for soho returned 138 results

In Wake of SoHo Rezoning, Development Divides a Manhattan Assembly Race

With New York City mired in a historic affordability crisis, the Lower Manhattan Assembly race between Deborah Glick and challenger Ryder Kessler appears to be a microcosm of a broader debate among Democrats when it comes to development and housing: where to build, how much to build and how to make more units affordable.

June 27, 2022

Newly-Approved SoHo Rezoning Promises Affordable Homes. How Much Will they Really Cost?

While developers will seriously benefit from a chance to build market-rate apartments in one of the city’s most coveted zip codes, the de Blasio administration says the new construction will also create about 900 apartments deemed affordable under the mayor’s signature Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) policy.

December 20, 2021

NYC Officials Pledge More Affordable Housing, New Artists Rules in SoHo Rezoning Plan

Lawmakers are expected to vote on the rezoning later this week. A 22-item “Points of Agreement” package includes pledges to develop more affordable housing outside the rezoning area—on city-owned land at 388 Hudson St. and an NYPD parking lot at 324 East 5th St.—and outlines new rules for the neighborhoods’ unique artist residences.

December 13, 2021

Opinion: Redesigning SoHo’s Streets for People and Community

‘SoHo is a picturesque, architectural gem of a place to live and work…But it is also an impossible mess of traffic, mini skyscrapers of garbage bags, and elbow wars of crowds in the street and on the sidewalk.’

November 16, 2021

Two Sides Clash Over SoHo Rezoning at Final Public Hearing

Opponents argued to councilmembers that the plan to add about 3,000 new units and change land use rules in a 56-block swath of Lower Manhattan would incentivize demolition to make way for luxury housing, usher in big box retail and forever alter the artistic character of the iconic SoHo and NoHo neighborhoods.

November 10, 2021

SoHo-NoHo Rezoning Plan Needs Work, BP Brewer Says

Five weeks after the local community board rejected the city’s application to rezone a 56-block stretch of the two wealthy neighborhoods, Brewer said the current plan leaves many issues unresolved—though she hasn’t ruled out backing a revised plan.

September 3, 2021

Opinion: A Truly Equitable SoHo/NoHo Rezoning Should Focus on More Housing, Not Office Space

The need for new housing, especially affordable, in these high-opportunity neighborhoods is much more acute than the need for more commercial space. 

August 17, 2021

Manhattan Community Board Votes to Reject SoHo-NoHo Rezoning

The board’s resolution rejects the rezoning proposal for the wealthy neighborhoods outright, rather than submit suggestions for improvement, arguing the plan would fail to achieve the city’s affordable housing goals.

July 27, 2021

Public Review Process Begins for SoHo Rezoning Plan

The de Blasio administration wants to upzone a 56-block swath of the Lower Manhattan neighborhoods, where elite boutiques and wealthy arrivistes have replaced the manufacturing sites and artists that characterized the area a half-century ago.

May 18, 2021

Opinion: Rezoning is an Opportunity to Plan SoHo’s Future, For Artists and Beyond

‘I believe if we want to preserve SoHo, we must rezone within reason. To address the disjointed policies and permits that currently cause headaches, but also to save the stunning landmarked buildings at the heart of this debate.’

March 3, 2021