“The 60-day shelter limit runs counter to the very purpose of shelters: to keep vulnerable homeless families and individuals safe and off the streets.”
Dozens of other states have embraced some version of an Equal Rights Amendment in their constitutions. New Yorkers will get a chance to vote in November on whether to expand the class of people protected against discrimination in the Equal Protection Clause of the state constitution.
La alcaldía dice que aún no ha comenzado a aplicar las evaluaciones de “circunstancias atenuantes” que podrían alargar la estadía en un refugio, mientras que migrantes siguen durmiendo en el suelo de una iglesia que ahora se utiliza como “overnight hospitality center” (centro de acogida para pasar la noche).
City Limits rounds up the latest housing and land use-related events, public hearings and affordable housing lotteries that are ending soon.