A Brooklyn Councilmember believes the de Blasio administration is moving towards a policy of temporarily releasing medically vulnerable inmates, as advocates demand the city pull back on low-level enforcement.
Based on anecdotal information that the NYC Department of Small Business Services has received, small businesses have seen a decline in sales from 40 percent to 80 percent.
‘No podemos rechazarlos por lo que son atendidos incluso si no muestran síntomas, haciendo que el departamento de emergencias gaste tiempo en pacientes sanos cuando médicos y enfermeras podríamos estar usando nuestro tiempo y recursos en personas que realmente lo necesiten.’
‘Make no mistake: budget cuts to healthcare won’t reduce the spread of coronavirus or lessen its impact. In fact, as we have seen in Washington state, cuts that force more people into nursing homes will worsen the impact.’
Senior center directors have been thinking of ways to help seniors cope, to prevent residents from becoming too socially isolated and depressed.
The spread of coronavirus could mean additional agony for hundreds of day laborers, mostly Latin American immigrants, who stand on the corner of 69th Street and Roosevelt Avenue and other locations every morning in the hope of scoring temporary work.