Watch Live: City Planning Presents its Proposal for a Gowanus Rezoning
City Limits |
Can’t make the February 28 meeting? Tune in here.
Adi Talwar
Properties on the western shore of Gowanus Canal between Sackett, Degraw and Douglass Streets. NYCHA Gowanus Houses are visible in the background from center to right of frame.
Can’t make the February 28 meeting? Tune in here.
The vote avoided an alternative plan that would have hiked the base fare to $3, something disabled riders and advocates argued would unevenly burden Access-a-Ride users.
A report says complicated backstory of the city-state Close to Home program—and its early success–are a model for youth-justice systems around the country.
‘Legislation to reform New York’s bail and discovery laws will protect victims of violence—particularly when they become defendants.’
Because only a regular election deserves a full Top Ten list.