NEW YORK – Women’s City Club of New York (WCC) will host a centennial conference, From Inequality to Equality: Polices and Programs that Work, on Thursday, September 29 at the New York Academy of Medicine. The daylong event will address public initiatives and model programs that advance economic, gender, and racial equality, and examine key problems of availability, affordability and access in four critical areas: health care, education, housing and homelessness, and employment. “It is well-documented that New York City faces huge challenges relating to extreme differentials in access to affordable health care, quality public education, affordable housing and jobs that provide a living wage,” said Jacqueline Ebanks, Executive Director of WCC. “WCC is hosting this conference to promote an on-going discussion about solutions that drive equality. We want to encourage further partnership, collaboration and civic engagement to extend the benefits of successful programs and policies so that all New Yorkers can thrive,” she said. The event is cosponsored by Women’s eNews.