Suite Surrender
Dylan Foley |
An SRO slumlord makes life a misery for his tenants.
The city housing authority has systematically weakened its officially sanctioned tenant advisory council to the point where the group has become useless.
To keep their city consulting dollars, neighborhood housing groups now have to lend a hand to landlords.
One of the most innovative small-business assistance organizations in the city has is roots in the rubble of the city’s most infamous community organization.
The city and state have agreed to spend $200 million to open the planned Hudson River Park. It’s keeping it open they want nothing to do with.
Faster than a speeding bullet, Al D’Amato is making new friends. Among liberals. But this is no secret identity crisis: it’s reelection time.
City Hall has all but scrapped job training and education as acceptable trajectories for welfare parents. Other cities and states aren’t nearly so obsessed with the ideology of workfare–and leave lots of room for real opportunity.
A review of Sleeping With the Mayor: A True Story, by John Jiler, Hungry Mind Press, 1997, $25.