Campaign 2017 Reader Polls:
See Results

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Allison Sikosrki

A line outside a voting site in Brooklyn in 2008.

November 2, 2017

What Would Have Made This a Better Election?

Better candidates? Smarter media?

20.0%: Full public financing would have allowed a more level playing field, making races more competitive.
80.0%: Better media coverage could have driven a higher level of voter interest.
5 responses

October 27, 2017

Yes or No on the ConCon? And Why?

29.6%: I plan to vote yes.
70.3% I plan to vote no.
27 responses

October 20, 2017

Are Police-Community Relations Better Under de Blasio?

50.0%: The relationship has not changed, and is troubled.
50.0%: The relationship has gotten worse.
2 responses

October 13, 2017

Yes or No on Mo’ of Bo?

Should independent mayoral candidate Bo Dietl be part of the next mayoral debate?

25.0%: Yes. If Dietl qualifies according to the objective criteria applied to other candidates, he should be on the debate stage. It’s up to the voters to decide whose message is worth listening to.
75.0%: No. Dietl’s conduct demonstrated his is not a serious campaign and prevented voters from hearing what the legitimate candidates had to say.
4 responses

October 3, 2017

Are NYC Schools Safe?

The stabbing death of a high-school student in a Bronx classroom last week has increased attention to the state of school safety. Do you believe New York City schools are safe?

33.3%: Yes. Crime in the system is less common than it once was.
66.6%: No. There’s a lack of discipline and real danger throughout the system.
3 responses

September 19, 2017

Is Trump a Legitimate Issue in Campaign 2017?

Mayor de Blasio says Republican opponent Nicole Malliotakis’ support for President Trump in the 2016 election is a disqualification for City Hall. But the Staten Island Assemblywoman says she is focused on local issues, not national politics.
Do you think a candidates’ past or present position on the president matters to how the city is run, and why or why not?

40.0%: Yes. Being mayor is about showing good judgement, and voting for Trump shows a lack of it.
60.0%: No. Regardless of how they voted in 2016, we need a mayor who can work with the president for the best interests of the city.
5 responses

September 12

What won your vote?

Ideas? Negative ads? A name? What drove your decisions at the primary polls?
The Results:

September 7

What do YOU think we should be talking about?

The Results:

August 25

Do Debates Matter?

The Results:

August 16

Local Pols, Higher Office

First the Council, then the Presidency?

The Results:

August 9

Should Voting Be Mandatory?

How would you boost turnout?

The Results:

August 2
Still open!

Higher Fares, New Taxes?

How to Pay to Fix the MTA?

The Results:
July 26

Elected Community Boards?

Yes or No? You tell us.

The Results:

Presidential material?

Which NYC mayor who expressed presidential ambitions would have made the best president?

The Results: