A hand holding a cell phone

¿Cómo los inmigrantes navegan la desinformación al viajar a los Estados Unidos?

Para el informe titulado “Inside the World of Misinformation Targeting Migrants on Social Media” (Dentro del mundo de la desinformación dirigida a los migrantes en las redes sociales) se entrevistaron a 200 inmigrantes que hablaban español y maya: 100 en Guatemala, al comienzo de su viaje hacia el norte, y otros 100 en refugios en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams talking into a microphone at a press conference podium

Mayor’s Emergency Declaration Will Speed Shelter Openings as Homeless Population Rises 

The declaration will allow the city to open a new intake facility specifically for asylum-seekers and immigrants who have made their way to city shelters. It will also allow the Department of Homeless Services to issue contracts to nonprofits to open additional shelters, most likely in hotels, while bypassing public review and the usual competitive bidding process.