Gasto en pasajes para salir de la ciudad asciende a $7.6 millones

Hasta finales de enero, la ciudad había comprado 20.500 billetes de avión o autobús para reubicar a los inmigrantes fuera de la ciudad, por un total de $7.6 millones de dólares, según informaron las autoridades el martes. Esto es tres veces el presupuesto anual de las dos oficinas principales que gestionan los servicios para las comunidades de inmigrantes de la ciudad.

Amen to New Housing? Faith-Based Development Bill Looks to Secure Legislative Blessing

While lawmakers continue to negotiate housing initiatives and tenant protections in Albany, supporters of the Faith-Based Affordable Housing Act are positioning the bill as one of the state’s best shots at passing meaningful housing legislation this year. “It’s hard to put your guard up when it’s the neighborhood church saying we want to build,” sponsor Andrew Gounardes told City Limits.

Renewed Scrutiny for City’s Deadline Policy as Number of Immigrants in Shelter Declines

The number of newly arrived immigrants now in the city’s care is around 64,000, down from more than 69,000 in mid-January—what City Hall has attributed in part to shelter deadlines. A bill in the City Council would end the controversial policy, which critics say has forced people into precarious situations: sleeping on the streets, on the floors of churches and in unsafe settings.