Neighborhood Groups Say They Need More City Support to Plan for Climate Emergencies

Community-based organizations are primed and ready to help New Yorkers deal with extreme weather events but say they need more robust communication, engagement, and financial resources from the city. “This is about long-term cultivation of capacity at the street level,” said Rebecca Bratspies, director of CUNY Law’s Center for Urban Environmental Reform. “And we need it because we’re going to be facing this over and over again.”

Biden camina con agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza

PODCAST: ¿Cómo se resolvió la demanda de varios estados republicanos contra el programa ‘parole’?

En enero de 2023, la administración Biden anunció un nuevo programa de “parole”, conocido oficialmente como Procesos para Cubanos, Haitianos, Nicaragüenses y Venezolanos (CHNV), que permitía a hasta 30.000 personas de Cuba, Haití, Nicaragua y Venezuela emigrar legalmente a EE.UU. cada mes, siempre que tuvieran un patrocinador financiero en el país.

subway fares

More New Yorkers Are Struggling to Afford Public Transit: Report

Transportation and anti-poverty advocates are pushing the Adams administration to provide an extra $55 million in the next budget to expand the Fair Fares program—through which low-income New Yorkers can qualify for half-priced MetroCards—to include people earning up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $60,000 for a four-person household.